Saturday, 24 December 2016

FirstNews |

FirstNews |

জেএসসি, জেডিসি ও প্রাথমিক সমাপনী পরীক্ষার ফল আগামী ২৯ শে ডিসেম্বর দ্রুত রেজাল্ট মোবাইল অ্যাপ এ
জেএসসি, জেডিসি ও প্রাথমিক সমাপনী পরীক্ষার ফল একই দিনে প্রকাশ করা হচ্ছে। এর আগে গত ২০ ডিসেম্বর শিক্ষা মন্ত্রণালয় জানিয়েছিল ২৯ ডিসেম্বর জুনিয়র স্কুল সার্টিফিকেট (জেএসসি) ও জুনিয়র দাখিল সার্টিফিকেট (জেডিসি) ও প্রাথমিক সমাপনী পরীক্ষার ফল প্রকাশ করা হবে।
এবারও এসএম এস , ইন্টারনেট ও মোবাইল অ্যাপ এর মাধ্যমে রেজাল্ট পাওয়া যাবে । দ্রুত ও ঝামেলা ছাড়াই রেজাল্ট পেতে ডাওনলোড করতে পারেন নিচের অ্যাপটি ।"Education board results in bd" নামের এই অ্যাপটি ইতিমধ্যে খুবই জনপ্রিয় হয়ে উঠেছে । প্রতি সাবজেক্টের নাম্বার সহ পুরো
মার্কশীট ডাওনলোড করতে পারেন এই অ্যাপ দিয়ে মোবাইলেই। প্রতি সাবজেক্টের নাম্বার ও টোটাল মার্ক দেখতে অ্যাপ এ যার যার বোর্ড এর আইকন এ ক্লিক করতে হবে এবং অবশ্যই রেজিস্ট্রেশন নংঃ দিতে হবে । ইন্টারনেট ও এস এম এস উভয় সুবিধা রয়েছে এই অ্যাপ এ ।
অন্যান্য সুবিধার পাশাপাশি এবার তারা ফেসবুকেও রেজাল্ট দেখার হেল্পলাইন তৈরি করেছে। এন্ড্রয়েড মোবাইলের জন্য অ্যাপ টি ডাওনলোড করতে পারেন।
ডাওনলোড লিংকঃ
অথবা টোটাল মার্ক দেখার জন্য
ডাওনলোড লিংকঃ
আপনি চাইলে ফেসবুকেও এ রেজাল্ট পেতে পারেন
এই পেজে লাইক দিয়ে আপনার রোল নাম্বারটি কমেন্ট অথবা ইনবক্স করুন আমাদের হেল্পলাইনের সদস্যরা আপনাকে রেজাল্ট প্রকাশ হওয়ার সাথে সাথেই জানিয়ে দিবে । সবার জন্য শুভ কামনা ।
# JSC #Result #2016 #Education #Board #Result #Bangladesh JSC #Result #2016 #Education #Board #Result #Bangladesh. #JSC #Result #2016 #Download. #Junior #School #Certificate #(JSC) #and #its #equivalent #madrassa #Junior #Dakhil #Certificate #(JDC) #examinations #started #across #the #country #on #1st #November #2016. #JSC #Result #2017 #of #Education #Board #Result #Bangladesh #will #be #published #on #29th #December #2016. JSC #Result #2017 #Education #Board #Result Over #24-lakh #students #will #participate #in #Junior #School #Certificate #(JSC) #and #Junior #Dakhil #Certificate #(JDC) #examinations #scheduled #to #be #held #on #1st #November #at #10am. #Bangladesh #Education #Minister #Nurul #Islam #Nahid #visited #an #exam #centre #in #the #capital’s #Motijheel #Ideal #School #and #College #in #the #first #exam #of #JSC. In #this #year’s #the #number #of #JSC #examinees #is #1 #967 #447. #Of #them # #914 #900 #are #male #while #1 #052 #547 #female. #And #a #total #of #358 #486 #examinees #participate #in #JDC #examination # #among #theme #167 #770 #are #males #and #190 #716 #females #students. #Besides # #total #of #585 #students #from #8 #overseas #centres #attend #the #JSC #examinations. From #last #year #the #number #of #JSC #and #JDC #examinees #increased #by #235 #241 #as #2 #090 #692 #students. Education #minister #said #JSC #and #JDC #examinations #were #not #public #exams #but #these #are #strategies #to #get #students #stick #to #their #studies. #These #JSC #exams #increase #their #self-confidence. #He #also #added #JSC #Result #2016 #will #be #published #within #60 #days #after #completing #the #exam. About #JSC #Exam #and #JSC #Result #2016: The #JSC #exam #Full #Meaning #is Junior #School #Certificate. #It’s #2nd #Public #and #Largest #Exam #in #Bangladesh #Education #System. #Total #8 #General #and #1 #Madrasah #Board #arrange #the #Junior #School #Certificate #and #Equivalent #Exam #and #the #Class #Eight #Examine #attend #on #this #Exam. Every #year # #The #JSC #Exam #Start #on #the #1st #Week #of #November. #The JSC #Exam #Result #2016 will #also #publish #on #the #same #dates #every #year. #Sometimes #it #may #take #several #times # #but #the #Education #Board #will #announce #the #exact #date #for #publishing JSC #Result each #Year #via #the #Directorate #of #Primary #Education #Website. #To #know #more #about #the JSC #Result #2016 Publish info # #Read #the #below #Part #of #This #content. JSC #Result #2016 SMS #System #JSC #Exam #Result #2016: JSC # #DHA # #Roll #Number #Send #to #16222 JDC #Exam #Result #2016 #SMS #method: JDC # #MAD # #Roll #Number #Send #to #16222 N.B: #You #can #Send #SMS #from #any #Operator #(Teletalk # #Banglalink # #Grameen #Phone # #Airtel) #to #get JSC #Result #Full #Marksheet Generally #JSC #Result #Publishes #on #the #various #Ways # #It #will #provide #you #Grade #point #average #(GPA) #only. #If #you #want #to #Check #Your #exam #Full #MarkSheet #that #means #Subject #Wise #Result # #You #need #to #download #the #full #MarkSheet #of #JSC #Result #2016. #You #can #Check #or #Download #the #Full #MarkSheet #of #Education #Board #Bangladesh #Public #Exam #Result. #You #can #follow #one #or #more #reason #to #get #it #Fast #and #Free. JSC #Exam #Result #2016 #Download Read #All #Education #Board #First #3 #Letters #For #JSC #Result #2016 JSC #Result #Dhaka #Board #2016 – #DHA The Dhaka #Education #Board #– #JSC #Result #2016 can #be #checked #by #the #Mobile #SMS # #Online # #and #Android #Apps. #If #you #are #a #JSC #Examine #under #the #Dhaka #Education #Board # #You #can #easily #Check #Your #Result #from #the #Various #Ways. JSC #Result #2016 #Comilla #Board #-COM JSC #Result #2016 #Rajshahi #Board #-RAJ JSC #Result #2016 #Jessore #Board #-JES JSC #Result #2016 #Chittagong #Board #-CHI JSC #Result #2016 #Barisal #Board #-BAR JSC #Result #2016 #Sylhet #Board #-SYL JSC #Result #2017 #Dinajpur #Board #-DIN JDC #Result #2016 #Madrasah #Board #– #MAD When #JSC #Result #2016 #will #publish? JSC #Result #2016 #Publish #date: Do #you #know #when #will #the JSC #Result #2016 #publish? #It #is #the #Very #important #Question #for #all #JSC #Examine. #The JSC #Exam #Result #2016 will #publish #within #the #60th #days #after #finishing #the #Exam. #Our #one #spokesman #said #that # #JSC #Result #will #publish #on #29th #December #2016 #by #The Directorate #of #Primary #Education. #When #the #Exact #date #Announces #for JSC #Result #2016 #Publish #date # #we #will #include #it #on #a #here #instant. JSC #Result #2016 #through #EIIN #Number: Every #School #authority #can #download #their #Full #Institute #JSC #exam #Result #2016 #with #their #Institute #EIIN #Number. #The #process #is #very #easy #and #simple. #Just #Click #on #the # #and #then # #you #will #get #the #various #ways #for #checking #the #JSC #Result #2016 #and #all #other #Public #Exam #Result #2016 #under #the #Education #Board #Bangladesh. #Not #only #School #authority #but #also #the #other #Person #like #the #UNO # #DC #or #any #more #desire #person #can #Download #the #District #Wise # #Thana #Wise # #and #Center #Wise #Result #instant. #More #info #about #this #process #we #have #already #provided #in #the #above. You #can #also #Check #Your #Result #from #Online #Easily #by #visiting #the #Official #Website #Address #of #Specific #Education #Board. #It #is #also #important #for #you #that # #if #the #Education #Board #Result #Archive #unable #to #Provide #service #with #the #reason #of #Server #Busy # #Page #not #Found #or #any #other #reason # #you #can #use #these #alternative #ways #for #Checking #your #Result. #First #Visit #your #Education #Board #Official #Website. The #three-hour #examination #started #around #10:00am. #The #JSC #candidates #are #taking #Bangla #first #paper #tests #on #the #first #day # #while #the #JDC #students #sitting #for #Quran #Mazid #and #Tazbid. #The #exams #will #end #on #November #17. Over #20.38 #lakh #students #would #sit #for #the #JSC #exams #under #eight #general #education #boards #and #around #3.74 #lakh #students #would #take #the #JDC #exams #under #madrasa #education #board. Get #JSC #Result #2016 #through #Android #Mobile #Apps: Do #you #know #How #to #Check #JSC #Exam #Result #2016 #from #Android #Mobile #Apps? #If #don’t #then #read #this #part #of #Article #about #the #JSC #Result #2016 #through #Android #mobile #Apps. #The #Smartphone #users #can #easily #check #their #result #with #the #Teletalk #Powered #Education #Board #Result #Apps. #The #Apps #is #also #known #as #the #All #Result #BD #Apps. #According #to #Check #Your #JSC #exam #Result #from #Android #Mobile # #You #must #need #to #have #the #Apps #pre #-installed #in #your #Device. #If #you #don’t #have # #don’t #worry! #It #is #very #easy #to #install #the #Android #Apps #in #your #Device #from #various #Ways. Go #to #the #Google #Play #Store #and #Search #All #Result #BD #app. #After #Searching #with #this #Keyword # #You #will #see #too #many #Search #Results. #Just #Click #on #the #All #Result #BD #(Official #Apps) #which #is #developed #by #Please #make #sure #that #you #have #already #sign #in #on #Google #Play #store #with #your #Gmail #ID #to #Install #the #Apps. If #you #fail #to #install #the #Apps #from #Google #Play # #You #can #download #the #Apps #from #other-where #from #the #Internet. #There #are #many #websites #are #available #who #are #providing #the #Apps #Apk #version #of #the #All #Result #BD #(Official #Apps). #After #Successful #Download # #Install #the #Apps #into #your #Device. #Then #follow #the #Instruction #(Guideline) #from #here: The #JSC #Examine #or #their #Guardians #can #check #their #Education #Board #Result #through #the #Teletalk #Provided #All #Result #BD #(Official #Apps). Instruction #to #Getting #JSC #Result #2017 #From #Android #Apps Open #the #Apps #more #than #5 #Minutes #ago #before #publishing #the #JSC #result #2016 #by #Education #Board #Bangladesh #via #Online #and #SMS. Because #of #the #Education #Board #Result #by #Android #Apps #similar #with #the #Education #Board #Result #Check #by #Online #from #the #Educating #Board #Bangladesh #official #Result #Archive. Select #the #Education #Type #as #JSC/JDC # #Exam #Year #as #2016 # #Your #Education #Board #Name # #Enter #your #Roll #Number # #Registration #Number # #and #Human #Verification #Code. Then #Click #on #the #Submit #Button #after #Publishing #The #Result #Officially #(After #2.00 #PM) #and #Get #your #Result. All #Board #JSC #Result #2016 JSC #Exam #Result Dhaka #education #board #2016 # #JSC #Result #Chittagong #education #board #2017 # #JSC #Result #2017 #Rajshahi #education #board # #JSC #Result #Comilla #education #board #2016 # #JSC #Result #2016 #Barisal #education #board # #JSC #Exam #Result #Sylhet #education #board #2016 # #JSC #Result #2016 #Jessore #education #board # #JSC #Exam #Result #2016 #Dinajpur #education #board # #JDC #Result #2016 #Madrasa #education #board. To #get #fast #jsc #result #2016 #Dhaka #board # #visit #the #Dhaka #Board #official #Web #Address #( #And #click #on #the #JSC/SSC/HSC #Result #button #from #the #Left #sidebar. #Then #follow #the #Conditions #to #check #your #Result #Individual # #Institution #Result # #District #Wise #Result # #Center #Wise #Result #and #Thana/Upazilla #wise #Result #Check. You #can #also #Visit #the Education #Board #Bangladesh #official #website for #Fast #Result #Check #portal #to #check #your #JSC #Exam #Result #2017. #Just #Click #on and #then #you #will #be #eligible #to #check #your #jsc #result #quickly #with #Various #ways. #If #you #want #to #check #you #your #Result #Individually #like #the #Roll #Number #wise # #just #click #on #the #individual #Button. #You #can #also #follow #the #other #available #Methods #if #require #checking #any #other #Result. JSC #Result #2016 #All #Education #Board: The JSC #Result #2016 #all #Education #Board will #Publish #at #the #same #times #and #same #dates #by #the #Education #Board #Bangladesh #Result #Archive #(Portal). #With #the #same #system #we #have #added #in #this #page # #you #can #check #All #Education #Board #JSC #Exam #Result #2016. #But # #we #highly #recommend #you #to #check #your #JSC #Result #from #the #Official #Website #of #BD #Education #Board. To #find #out #the #Education #Board #official #Website #from #the #Search #Engine # #Just #visit #your #Default #Search #Engine #and #Click #on #the #Search #Box. #Then #Type www #Education #Board #Results #Gov #BD and #then #Press #Enter #of #Click #on #the #Search #button. #Then # #you #will #Eligible #to #find #out #the #official #Site #for #Checking #JSC #Result #2017 #All #Education #Board #Bangladesh. #There #are #Eight #(8) #General #Education #Board #are #Available #for #Checking #JSC #Result #2016 # #and #a #Madrasha #Education #Board #is #Available #to #Check #the #JDC #(Junior #Dakhil #Certificate) #Result #2016. #You #can #also #Visit #your #Specific #Education #Board #Website #to #Check #the #Result #Very #Fast. #The #Details #info #we #have #already #included #in #this #post #in #above #the #section #of #JSC #Result #2016 #Check #Online. JSC #Result #2016 #Sylhet #Board JSC #Results #2016 #Sylhet #Board will #publish #on #the #official #website #of #Sylhet #Education #Board. #It #is #a #joint #inquiry #for #the #Sylhet #Board #Students. #Greatest #times #they #get #some #information #about #the #Different #open #Results #accumulation #procedure #of #Sylhet #load #up. #This #substance #will #fill #in #as #a #complete #answer #to #the #all-new #and #energizing #inquiries #against #Sylhet #board. #To #give #a #clear #idea # #we #are #currently #portraying #about #the #Results #orderly. #Along #these #lines # #Read #more #in #underneath #about #the #complete #procedure #of #Sylhet #Education #Board #Results. #Let’s #check #out # #Sylhet #Education #Board JSC #Result #2016 #BD checking #systems. Mobile/SMS #System #for #SYLHET #Education #Board JSC SYL (1st #Three #Letters #of #SYLHET #Board) Your #Roll #Number 2016 and #Send #to 16222 from #any #Bangladeshi #Mobile #Operators. Example: JSC #SYL #731983 #2016 & #Send 16222 Online #System #for SYLHET Education #Board Go #to #“Sylhet Education #Board #Official #Website #[URL]“ Select #“JSC/JDC/Equivalent” #on #“Examination” option. Select #“2016” #on #“Year” #option. Select #“SYLHET” #on #“Board” option. Enter #your #“Roll #Number” #on #“Roll” option. Fill #the Captcha #Code carefully. Finally # #check #again #& #press #“Submit” #to #get #your #SYLHET #Board JSC #Exam #Result #2016. The #Education #Board #Bangladesh #provides #the #Result #with #GPA #(Grade #Point #Average) #which #depends #on #every #Subject #average #GP #(Grade #Point). #If #you #score #70 #Marks #will #count #as #4.00 #and #if #69 #Marks # #it #will #count #3.50. #For #understanding #yourself # #we #are #providing #the #Whole #Marks #Distribution #Table #in #the #below. #All #public #Exam #Result #in #Bangladesh #Publish #with #this #Method. Marks #Within Grade #Point Letter #Grade 0 #to #32 0 F 33 #to #39 1 D 40 #to #49 2 C 50 #to #59 3 B 60 #to #69 3.5 A- 70 #to #79 4 A 80 #to #100 5 A+ JDC # #JSC #Recheck #Result #2016 #ReScrutiny #Process We #have #known #generally #JSC #ReScrutiny #result #as #“Khata #Check #Result #or #Board #Challenge #Result”. #Every #public #exam #had #Board #Challenge #system #from #last #few #years #ago. #The #Rescrutiny #process #or #“Khata #Challenge” #means #not #again #exam #papers #marking. #It’s #just #check #the #number. #All #questions #number #count #again #when #any #student #apply #for #Junior #School #Certificate #exam #papers #recheck. Bangladesh #Education #Board #JSC #Result #2017 I #think # #now #no #more #words #require #about #the JSC #Result #2016 Education #Board #Result #Bangladesh. #Because #you #have #already #successfully #understood #about #the #Whole #Concepts #clearly #about #the JSC #Exam #Result #2016 from www.Education #Board # #or #by #SMS #and #Android #App. If #you #have #any #question #or #face #any #problem #about #JSC #Result #2016 #comment #below #or #message #us #through facebook. #We #are #ready #to #serve #you #shortly #as #soon #as #possible. #So # #stay #with #us #and #know #more #update #Education #information. #JSC #result #2016 #will #be #published #very #soon. #We #think #this #exam #result #will #publish #on #29th #December #2016. #If #you #any #question
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